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  • Why Do My Hips Hurt After Running?

    Hip pain often occurs with running. While some level of soreness is normal, if your hips hurt after running, it may mean that you have injured yourself. Hip pain can be caused by injury to your muscles, bone, tendons, or other structures in your hip. Having weak core muscles, an old injury, or poor movement patterns can contribute to hip pain as well.

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  • How to Wear a Shoulder Sling

    A shoulder sling keeps your arm against your body and prevents you from moving it too much. However, if you wear a shoulder sling the wrong way, you might slow healing or injure your arm more.

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  • 10 Strengthening Exercises for Hip Bursitis

    Previously, researchers thought that hip bursitis was the primary cause of lateral or side hip pain. Now, experts know that greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS) is a more accurate explanation. GTPS includes injury or wear and tear of the gluteal muscle tendons (tendinopathy), which may cause hip pain that worsens with movement.

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  • 8 Bicep Tendonitis Exercises

    If you have pain in your upper arm or shoulder, you may have irritated your biceps tendon, a condition known as biceps tendonitis. The pain may limit your shoulder motion and make performing normal work and recreational tasks difficult or impossible. You should see a healthcare provider who can diagnose biceps tendonitis and refer you to a physical therapist for treatment.

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  • The 6 Types of Meniscus Tears

    There are six types of meniscus tears: radial, intrasubstance, horizontal, flap, complex, and bucket-handle. All can compromise the knee, where this C-shaped cartilage is found.

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